
Arabic Calligraphy of word "Allah"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"A long road ahoe...a long road ahoe"

My research must continue into the Hoover library where I located a number of pictures and documents from the C.I.A. both of Baha'i immigrants leaving Iran and of the violence Khomeini committed against them, Sunni's and pro-Western Shah supporters that could really help people visualize the terror of the Revolution for non-Shia's. Secondly, and admittedly something I failed to do, was gather the rich oral histories of the Baha'i community spread throughout the Bay Area, were it not for my initial snags in research I may have had time to organize these interviews, but ten weeks is ten weeks and I spent near three on peripheral topics. Not all is lost to the dying of the light. I have gathered a wealth of information regarding American immigration policy, Immigration statistics and Persian documents that show governmental dictates from Iran condoning religious persecution. The only problem is, until my Farsi is solid enough to guarantee the translation on my own, I refuse to use it.
I do not know if it is pathetic or motivating, that it took me until the last quarter of my third senior year to realize that the brilliance of California is that it is very difficult to wrap your head around the level of diversity. I think that is why race plays so heavily in California's past because politicians need to form constituent bases out of ethnic groups and therefore they mash together all of Central and South America to "Latino(a)s." I do not know if it shows more ignorance or racism, but through the analysis of immigration statistics and a cursory study of American immigration reform since 1882, the sheer complexity of our state was delivered to me from the "womb of my purposeless splendor." In short, California is the place to be because as an immigrant group, refugee, or naturalized citizen California provides the unique diversity that allows American acculturation along with assimilation. This creates amazing cultural enclaves of hybridization that spawns California's creativity and innovation.
Over-arching, yes, but I cannot explain the beam of light, the size of the light-bulb, nor the clear epiphany that struck me during our class discussion bashing my "Anglo-Protestant" roots that immediately made the history of our state, which has to me been as boring as can be, so relevant and interesting to my familial and cultural history that I am proud to call myself a resident of this great state. A state that internationally provides persecuted peoples with a place to come enjoy democracy (sometimes) while being allowed to maintain as much of your cultural identity as you wish to maintain.
I am sorry for missing the mark and being delayed at nearly every turn, my personal discovery during this course will far outweigh the benefits I have provided anyone, but to the future study of the Iranian Diaspora, Baha'i immigration, Middle Eastern/Western political balances and the effects of subjugation with enough brain food to stimulate the fattest of "buffs." Thank you everyone for the course, I will continue this research at the graduate level with more polish and direction, and hopefully time.

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